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Virginia Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations

VAMPO's Mission 

Moving Virginia forward by enhancing, promoting, and supporting the regional transportation planning process of the Commonwealth’s MPOs.


VAMPO's Objectives
  • To provide a forum for the metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) in the Commonwealth of Virginia to exchange information and experiences, enhance the practice of metropolitan transportation planning, provide education opportunities and discuss issues relative to local, State and Federal policies and requirements for transportation planning.

  • To provide a forum for State and Federal transportation agencies to exchange information and guidance on transportation planning to the MPOs in a collective manner.

  • To provide recommendations to the Virginia Secretary of Transportation and the General Assembly on statutory, regulatory and policy improvements required to provide for effective transportation planning, programming and funding in the Commonwealth.


VAMPO's History 

The Commonwealth of Virginia General Assembly established the Virginia Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations (VAMPO) effective July 1, 2009, through House Joint Resolution No. 756 to provide education, information and opportunities for cooperation among Virginia’s Metropolitan Planning Organizations and among state, federal and community officials. As prescribed in HJR No. 756, the VAMPO “will augment, not supplant, the duties of the individual MPOs in carrying out their respective metropolitan transportation planning and programming functions.”

Virginia Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations (VAMPO)

869 Lynnhaven Parkway, Suite 113, #237 | Virginia Beach, Virginia 23452 | 757-412-2664

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